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NowSpace is pleased to present:
A Group Exhibition
July 31st - August, 15th
WORKS BY: Alex Beccera, Rich Bott, Timo Fahler, Daniel Gibson, Astrelle Johnquest, Thomas Linder, Sarah Mcmenimen, Spencer Moody, Nicolas Shake, Lauren Steinberg, Kenn Taylor, Evans Wittenberg
CURATED BY: Daniel Gibson
Dear My Dearest,
Sss.Sss.Sss…like a sizzling grill in our front yards we gather here today to enjoy the work of many on a hot summer day. Celebrating their efforts and our community, and you, and you, and you. Providing sustenance far and wide, filling eyes and souls with art vitamins. Grass fed, free range, freewheeling, train hopping, works of all size, color, material, and make. Light and airy, we have that; rough and tumble, you’ll find those too. There is quality in their difference and their difference is why they are here together. Dismiss the idea that this is a movement, it is a moment that we have decided to share and share we will.
The Summer Sculpture Show
Kenn Taylor, "Grandma"
5390 Alhambra Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90032